Gluten Free Pecan Cookies

I love a cookie. In fact I used to be so cookie obsessed, my nickname as a child was 'koekie' (spelled the dutch way! ). These tasty cookies are gluten free, vegan and all soft & gooey in the middle whilst crunchy on the outside. 

INGREDIENTS (makes 12)

150g oats (blend fine if you want smooth cookies)

150g ground almonds

75g coconut sugar

75g crushed pecans

1/2 tsp baking powder

Pinch of salt

Half a tin of aquafaba (the liquid from a tin of chickpeas) 

100g coconut oil (melt)

1 tsp vanilla essence 

Preheat the oven to 160 C

Add all the dry ingredients to a mixing bowl. Using an electric whisk, whisk up the aquafaba just like you would egg whites. It should form stiff peaks.

Stir the aquafaba, vanilla essence & coconut oil into the dry ingredients. The mixture will begin pulling together as a dough. Sometimes it's advisable not to stir in every bit of liquid to begin with! That way if the mixture is still too dry you can simply add more. If it's too wet, add more flour.

It should feel slightly sticky. Flour your work surface & hands so that you can handle the dough.

Couple of options here. You can either roll into dough balls, then squish flat using your hands or a stamp.

Or roll into a big sausage, place in the fridge for 20 mins so that it's solid & easier to work with. Then slice into cookie rounds & squish those flat.

Oven bake on a try lined with parchment paper at 160 c for 20-30 mins. Allow to fully cool before eating - even though it's tempting to snaffe them off the plate, they'll break right up! 

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