It feels as though it's been ages since I had the opportunity to experiment with new recipes! Work has been a little hectic and I haven't spent a great deal of time at home. Each time I'm back I find myself throwing together super quick stir frys or reaching into the freezer for pre-made stews and soups.
Today things finally calmed down a little! The team have dispatched my thousands of pre-orders, book two is finally written ... I can almost breathe again.
I got so excited in Tesco yesterday, I love Derek Sarno and his Wicked range. If you don't follow him on Instagram, I think you're going to love his page - it's right here. He often shares his awesome vegan recipes, many of which use tofu or mushrooms for heaps of healthy plant based protein and texture. Each time I see him posting about King Oyster mushrooms I dream of getting my sticky mits on these beauties ... and finally my dreams came true! Tesco are now stocking Derek's incredible edible fungi.
Why are King Oysters so wonderful? Also known as the 'King Trumpet' mushroom, it's native to regions of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa but also commercially grown in Japan and the United States. It's known for its robust, somewhat earthy flavor and meaty texture.
King Oysters contain large amounts of ergothioneine - a naturally occurring antioxidant that supports kidney, liver & eye health. While all mushrooms contain some ergothioneine, specialty mushrooms such as the King Oyster contain significant amounts.
These beauties are all full of lovastatin, which has been shown to significantly reduce cholesterol. Plus they're a leading source of the essential antioxidant selenium. The King Oyster mushroom has the ability to extract and concentrate high levels of selenium from its environment, which we absorb when we eat them. Minerals, including zinc, copper, and selenium, also play a vital role in maintaining skin health.
What better that an antioxidant rich, selenium packed 'meaty' mushroom satay with crisped rice noodles and seared pak choi?

1 tsp coconut sugar
- Slice the oyster mushrooms into little disks. Heat the coconut oil in a heavy pan and add the shroom disks
- Spoon on a teaspoon of tamari and a pinch or two of coconut sugar. Sear each disk on both sides, then remove from the pan
- Meanwhile warm the creamed coconut and almond butter over a low heat. Stir in a teaspoon of tamari, the curry powder, ground ginger, coconut sugar and garlic and squeeze in the juice of half a lime. Stir continually keeping the heat low
- Boil a pan of water and add the rice noodles, boil until just slightly underdone, add to the heavy pan. Slice the pak choice in half and add that too. Season both with tamari
- Using a wooden skewer, thread the mushroom disks one at a time, interspersing with shitake mushrooms. Place in an oven proof dish and pour the satay sauce over the skewers. Place in the oven at 100C to keep warm
- Serve the noodles and pak choi up in a bowl, add cucumber ribbons, lift in the mushrooms skewers and pour over the satay. Then sprinkle with sesame seeds and squeeze over fresh lime.

- Bobek P, Ozdín L, Kuniak L. Effect of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus Ostreatus) and its ethanolic extract in diet on absorption and turnover of cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic rat. Nahrung. 1996;40(4):222-224.
- Khatun K, Mahtab H, Khanam PA, Sayeed MA, Khan KA. Oyster mushroom reduced blood glucose and cholesterol in diabetic subjects. Mymensingh Med J. 2007;16(1):94-99.
- Stajic M, Brceski I, Wasser SP, Nevo E. Screening of selenium absorption ability of mycelia of selected Pleurotus species. Agro Food Industry Hi Tech. 2006;17(3):33-35.